Nice friends of teenagers! I often get to have a fresh drink and taste and usually these types of drinks, especially at parties, are unfortunately alcoholic, so unsuitable for boys of my age. But there is no discomfort because fortunately, there are the non-alcoholic variants! And here are five tasty recipes to create them comfortably in your home!
1. Strawbelm
This is a quick and easy cocktail, especially suitable for strawberry lovers. For each glass you need a sour grapefruit and 200 grams of strawberries. Put the ingredients in a blender and squeeze them together. If you do not like the remaining pieces of fruit, shake it until it is completely liquid. Then put them in the glass and garnish with strawberry pieces.
2. Fruit Friz
For preparing this cocktail you will need carbonated water and 200 grams of berries. Alternatively, you can get some fruit juice. Put the fruit previously washed in a mixer, add sparkling water and smoothen. Pour into the glasses and decorated with more or blueberries.
3. Bloody Ween
Are you looking for a drink for your Halloween party? Here it is! In a bowl mix 300 ml of carbonated water, 500 ml of blueberry juice, 500 ml of orange juice and 500 of grapefruit juice. Add crushed ice and serve by garnishing the glasses with gummy candies with funny shapes.
3. Cherry Mint
For this non-alcoholic cocktail, get 200 ml of carbonated water and 400 ml of juice or cherry syrup. Take a bowl and mix the ingredients well, add some mint leaves that will make your cocktail smell more fragrant. Remove the mint leaves before serving.
3. Mint-up!
I often do this cocktail for my Carnival parties: 200 ml of carbonated water and 500 ml of mint juice (or syrup) will be needed for preparation. Take a large bowl and pour the ingredients, so turn it gently so that the ingredients mix well. If you like liquorice, pour the cocktail into the glasses, add some wires.
Have you enjoyed these recipes for soft drinks? If so, let me know, so I'll publish more!
If you want to know more about my adventures, on the Mediterranean Cusine and learn how to cook it, visit: www.torciano.com or www.bottegatorciano.com
or take a look on my Pinterest
See you next time!
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